DYDX Bridging and Staking
Your questions regarding bridging from Ethereum to Cosmos are answered here.
- Why do I need to bridge?
- How does DYDX bridging work?
- Will I be able to stake my tokens as part of the bridging process?
- What wallets do I need to bridge?
- Who has built the bridging contract?
- Has the bridging contract been audited?
- How long does it take for my tokens to arrive?
- What is the minimum amount I can bridge?
- Do I need to add DYDX chain to Keplr in order to connect with the UI?
- My internet connection got disrupted. What do I do?
- I use Leap wallet for cosmos chains, can I connect with the Bridge UI using that?
- Can I bridge multiple times?
- Do I need ETH to bridge DYDX?
- Will I get an email when my DYDX have been staked?
- Is there a blockexplorer where I can check the status of bridging/staking?
- Can I stake at the same time as I bridge?
- How can I stake before the bridged funds arrive?
- What is the maximum amount I can stake in one go?
- I entered different amounts for Bridging and Staking? What happens to the rest of my tokens?
- Why should I not perform any transactions between the time I bridge and when the tokens get staked?